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Thank you! That was highly educational. That heel hook when the leg is
trapped beneath you is insane, and although I have been doing the Marcelo
shin-in sweep for a while, the option of the calf-slicer from there is
something I have never seen. Thanks again for sharing!

You Must Be Logged In To VoteYou Must Be Logged In To Vote 

Thank you! That was highly educational. That heel hook when the leg is
trapped beneath you is insane, and although I have been doing the Marcelo
shin-in sweep for a while, the option of the calf-slicer from there is
something I have never seen. Thanks again for sharing!

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I have found myself playing this exact sort of guard lately, before I came
across your video. I think it just evolved out of my constant attempts to
force x-guard and shin sweeps from different positions, and that, as a
small guy, I like to keep their weight off of me by lifting with my legs.
Great video.

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