by WorldMartialArts | Nov 22, 2010 | Uncategorized
These are sample clips from the 1st DVD in Ryan Hall's new Deep Half Guard series. Ryan explores this position in amazing detail including entries, grips, sweeps, strategies and more. The project clearly teaches that getting into the Deep Half Guard, the hand,...
by WorldMartialArts | Mar 31, 2010 | Uncategorized
These are a series of clips from the Tornado Guard Volume from Roberto 'Cyborg' Abreu's, Cyborg Guard Collection.This is Robertos signature position that fighters for years have been asking for! Roberto has used the Tornado Guard to sweep and turnover...
by WorldMartialArts | Mar 31, 2010 | Uncategorized
These are a series of clips from the Tornado Guard Volume from Roberto 'Cyborg' Abreu's, Cyborg Guard Collection.This is Robertos signature position that fighters for years have been asking for! Roberto has used the Tornado Guard to sweep and turnover...
by WorldMartialArts | Nov 10, 2009 | Uncategorized
This Clip is from Igor Yakimov's Ultimate Armbars on Russian Sambo Instructional DVD. Igor Yakimov reveals on this DVD Video the most devastating arm submissions that can be obtained when you are mounted on your opponent. Igor covers the basics as well as the...
by WorldMartialArts | Nov 3, 2009 | Uncategorized
Saulo will take your guard fighting abilities to all new heights with some of the most innovative and creative techniques you will ever see. Learn how to take control of any opponent and sweep, turnover and submit from the open and closed guard position. This is one...