MMA Training – Jab Cross Hook

16,432 In this MMA training video Coach Jace shows the Jab, Cross, Hook combo with amazing detail.


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That is a weak jab. All his weight is on his back foot, which makes no
sense. You want to learn how to throw a jab, people, learn from a real
boxer not an MMA fighter. The back foot pushes your punches. That’s where
you get the power from. Think of your feet moving like a fencer does. As
for the hook? So wrong. Forget about the knuckle theory, the first position
is what you want for power. The power of your hook comes from your hips
when you rotate them.

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0 points
11 years 6 months ago

I lol’ed when you said I can do jab without using my arm i was like “WTF?!
u can?!” then i realized it laawl

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