MMA Guard – The Rat Guard #3: Transition to Lister Grip


http://www.radicalmmanyc.comThe third in our series of videos introducing the Rat Guard, one of the guard systems taught at Radical MMA. Please join our blog and Facebook page


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Very nice video with options from a position that every one who wishes to
do MMA should study. 

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1) Thank you for developing Rat Guard and explaining it succinctly. Rat
Guard seems like it will fit in nicely with Rubber Guard and Williams
Guard. 2) Create memorable names for each position so communication as well
as memorization of the moves will be easier for everyone. 3) I notice gable
gripping and putting elbow to the face to make opponent look away is sort
of like “Mad Dog control” in Eddie Bravo’s system but you have taken it a
step further to help prevent strikes. Great job.

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0 points
11 years 10 months ago

Check this clip for Shawn Williams’ responses to the pinwheel defense:

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