Three Quarter Mount Back Take


In this video I show yet another option from the Sneaky Choke. This is my favorite option for when people try to turn away.This does not happen initially because a good player rarely turns their back. You will find that after a couple times sinking in the Sneaky Choke, The One Arm Darce or the Crocss Collar that even good people will avoid trying to turn back in. Desperation breeds innovation. You'd be surprised what a few chokes will make someone do. The most important part of this move is minding the space between your chest and your opponent's arm. This will be very easy to do, as you have excellent positioning options with your chest, but if you do not mind this space you're going to pull the person into Half Guard top and give them the underhook. Please do not do this, you'll develop a huge distaste for this move. Now that you have started minding this space with your chest, the next thing you need to focus on is the placement of that bottom leg. Make sure to reference the video and look at my knee placement. Look and see how my shin is placed directly on the floor where it meets their back.Do not be afraid to really pull with that hand that's in the collar. It is a great control point, both for choking, and for tugging your partner/opponent into positions. Once you get to the back do not let go of that collar grip until you get your feet and legs where you want them to be. I also like to transition my hand under the armpit before I move I move into the Seat Belt grip. If your opponent tries to actively turn away from you, meaning go to their knees. You can either try to set that bottom hook in the transition, or actively rip them backwards with this grip. Either are great options but I like being a little more proactive with the grip and ripping them backwards. That grip in the collar is more powerful than you think.


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You Must Be Logged In To VoteYou Must Be Logged In To Vote 

Like it a lot….. can’t wait to go to my bjj class tonight to praxice

You Must Be Logged In To VoteYou Must Be Logged In To Vote 
0 points
10 years 10 months ago

Love all your vids. Please post more escape/ defense variations. 

You Must Be Logged In To VoteYou Must Be Logged In To Vote 
0 points
10 years 10 months ago

This position is gold!!! Hit the back take a bunch of times over the last
couple days. Also the sneaky choke a few times and the one arm darce that
you showed as well. Simple and effective. Thx for the awesome vids. Keep em

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