Submissions 101: Old School Sweep


Here is the old school sweep from the 10th planet jiu jitsu system. Please note that this video is taken from our class and not in the typical Sub 101 format.


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Ari Bolden literally changed my life so people that hate on him really piss
me off. I’m 18 and 120 lbs but because of his videos I don’t take shit from
people anymore. He is a better instructor than anyone here in Michigan and
I can’t even describe how grateful I am to this man and submissions101 in

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would it not be better grabbing for the trouser leg of his gi?

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This guy is a great instructor and I personally have at least thirty of his
videos on my fave list. I been watching his techniques for at least three
years. Keep up the good work and ignore the haters. Chances are you could
tap 80% of them anyway. 🙂

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