Saulo Ribeiro FreeStyle Revolution Jiu-Jitsu – Half Guard


Starting from the top position, Saulo teaches the importance of how to take total control of your opponents making half guard passes much easier then you ever thought possible. These special controlling techniques that Saulo teaches neutralize any sweep attempt that your opponent may try from the bottom. All of Saulo?s half guard passes utilize these important control techniques that enable him to pass from multiple angles and directions from the top position. Then Saulo moves to the bottom position of the half guard and teaches how to take control of this bottom position and escape, sweep and reverse the position against the very best fighters you may encounter.For more information:…


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0 points
13 years 8 months ago

Saulo…you’re the man

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@thebestofcodseries im failing to see where you would find the leverage for
a straight armlock. wrapping over his arm so that his is under your
shoulder wouldnt work as you wouldnt have the room for it, and arm wrapping
over so that his arm is on your shoulder wouldnt work either as you cannot
hip escape enough to control you opponent.

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0 points
14 years 2 months ago

@TheBestOfCodSeries I’m not going to argue with you then. You obviously
know a lot and have knowledge of some very advanced techniques if you could
pull an arm bar off from there.

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