Open Guard Pass Kick and Go Pass


In this video I show a fantastic and popular pass the Kick and Go. You may know this by another name (X Pass, Saulo Pass) but this was originally taught to me under the Kick and Go name.The first thing that you need to do is recognize which grips your opponent has. Your opponents grips are going to dictate which pass you do, or what grips you have to clear. In this video we deal with the opponent who controls on the sleeve and controls with a De la Riva hook around the back of the knee. This is a fairly common position that people enter into.After recognizing your opponent is not controlling your ankle you can start the Kick and Go. The first step is to make sure that you are putting pressure forward with your knee and that you have good posture. Try not to bend at the hips but rather at the legs. This will insure that you keep good balance and maintain good posture (thus harder to armbar and triangle).Once you have pushed forward with the knee you need to regrip with your hand. I typically do this by feeding my opponents lapel to my hand. You need to do it this way because often your opponent will be controlling that sleeve (especially if they arent controlling your ankle). Once you have good posture and grips it is time to give a kick and stuff your opponents leg between your legs.Once your opponents leg is between yours it is VERY important to squeeze with your knees. This is the must under utilized part of the move. From this squeezing position you have a lot of options and I typically change it up on my opponent to keep them guessing. In this instance I kick my other leg and step into the KoB position.This will take some practice and the more proficient that you become at it the better, faster, smoother and more stable it will be. This is one of those moves that you just need a lot of reps to master.


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0 points
10 years 11 months ago

yes, where is the video where he grabs your ankles? btw i love your

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I still need to film that.  I've been taking an easy on the standing pass while I rehab my knee.  I'll get around to filming it for sure!

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Where’s the video where you show what to do if he grabs your ankle… this
happens way too much when Im trying to pass someone’s guard. What I do is:
I usually use my shin across the leg, pinning his leg and arm. But, truth
be told, I often end up getting swept. :/

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Where’s the video where you show what to do when his grip is on my ankle?
Great videos btw, they helped me a lot, this right here is one of my
favourite passes! :D

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