MMA Guard – The Rat Guard #1: The Rat Guard

22 to the Rat Guard, one of the systems Radical MMA NYC uses for our MMA-oriented guard fighting.


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I’ve been incorporating the “rat guard” into my game. In a striking scenario this work great and I’ve caught a lot of people, but from a pure bjj perspective I’ve found that most advanced players tend to wait me out once I secure the position. Their free arm, the one I want to attack, ends up in the elbow bent and firmly tucked “safe position” held tightly next to their body. They don’t seem to reach down or up, opening themselves up for me to advance the position. I’ve found that the best I can do from here is bump… Read more »
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Taking a disability and creating a strength really epitomises the will to
over come adversity. Respect. Thanks for posting this. It seems like there
are many options to flow on to once Rat Guard is established. I’ll
definitely try this out.

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