In this video I show a submission from the Knee On Belly position. I have heard this called a couple of different names and always referred to it as a reverse grip Baseball Choke. I'm sure that it has a name, I'm also sure that I don't know it. So for the purpose of this video I will refer to it as "Modified Bread Cutter".Let me start by saying this is NOT one of my favorite submissions, but it is common enough that you need to know to defend against it and good enough that if you have a very dynamic KOB game you can use it to choke people.The main thing about this submission is going to be maintaining top position. You need to rep out the position and submission a lot so you can get a good feel for the weight distribution. In the event that your opponent reads this submission and takes control of your belt you can be in serious danger of getting rolled because you will not have anything to base with on the other side.With that being said it can be an effective way to submit people that like to turn into you. If you have a strong setup hand and a deep grip you can wait for your opponent to turn in. When this happens and you sink that second "quick kill" grip it can make your head feel like it's going to pop off.Please watch the video and take note as to the spacing of my hands, the distance between my elbows and how I I apply the finishing pressure. When done correctly this can be a great addition to your KOB game!
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The Baseball choke hands down.
Interesting choke. In your opinion, what would be the best (high
percentage) sub from KOB?