Back Step Defense Knee Switch Option 2


In this video I show the second option for the Knee Switch. This is an important transition as it is typically how higher level people try to escape the Knee Switch.All of the fundamentals are the same between this video and the last video so if you need some of the finer points of the initial Knee Switch I suggest watching that video. Keep in mind that video is twice as long and goes into a lot more depth. In this version you have already switched your knees but you realize that your opponent is going to hop back over. This is their last ditch effort to get back into the game. At this point they are behind and as long as you are ready for them to jump back over it will be almost impossible to get back into the game. You may end in turtle top, you may end up on the back or you may end up side control top, it all depends on how hard your opponent turns, how tight you are and how far they rotate.


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Easily one of the best channels on youtube for Jiu-Jitsu.

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Thanks for sharing my channel!

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11 years 17 days ago

I love your videos OSS, some guard retention please

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11 years 17 days ago

thx…please more halfguard stuff…deep half is also appreciated!!!

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