Cross Knee Pass Counter Study – Pt 1

The cross knee pass, knee cut pass, or baseball slide pass is a serious guard passing threat. Oddly, there doesn't seem to be much publicly available in the way of countering it. This is a study of how I've been defending and often reversing the position. I...

Cross Knee Pass Counter Study – Pt 1

The cross knee pass, knee cut pass, or baseball slide pass is a serious guard passing threat. Oddly, there doesn't seem to be much publicly available in the way of countering it. This is a study of how I've been defending and often reversing the position. I...

Cross Knee Pass Counter Study – Pt 2

The cross knee pass, knee cut pass, or baseball slide pass is a serious guard passing threat. Oddly, there doesn't seem to be much publicly available in the way of countering it. This is a study of how I've been defending and often reversing the position. I...