Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 5 Piece Chain of Techniques – RocknRoll BJJ

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 5 Piece Chain of Techniques – RocknRoll BJJ

The most important Brazilian Jiu Jitsu five piece chain you should know by heart! Scissor sweep, arm bar, omoplata, triangle to cross legged arm bar. Happy training! Rich Zaydel is brazilian jiu jitsu black belt under Master Joe Moreira. #armbar #sweep #scissorsweep...
MMA Sidekick Drills and Development Tutorial

MMA Sidekick Drills and Development Tutorial

Karl Tanswell, BJJ Black Belt and Head coach of SBG Mainline in Manchester is here filmed by the Warrior Collective giving a step by step tutorial on how to correctly utilise the sidekick in MMA and a number of different drills that can be used in order to develop...