Erik Paulson – Two Escapes from Muay Thai Clinch


Erik Paulson – Two Escapes from Muay Thai Clinch

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LOL at all the idiots trying to correst Erik Paulson on his technique.

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When doing a mauy thai clench grab the back on the guys head, not his neck,
grabbing his neck allows them to use their back muscles to look up and
easier to escape, grabbing the back of the guy’s head only lets them use
the muscles in their neck, making it much much harder to get out of, not a
great demo :/ 

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The safest counter to a may thai clinch, specially once you posture is
broken and your head is tilted forward, is Judo. Try grasping your opponent
tight and swing and drop to one side, while sitting or blocking the foot on
the side that you are dropping. Its called yoko guruma, or side drop.

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